Published by: Dr Funke Baffour
Release Date: August 2, 2016
Price: 17.00
Pages: 120
ISBN13: 978-0956977175
More DetailIn 2003 Dr. Funke had an urge to write words of encouragement to friends and family and would send it to them daily. Then suddenly her younger brother, aged 23, died of what was considered natural causes. As you can imagine, her world was rocked! Her inner voice said so sweetly, ‘why don’t you use these words of wisdom to help you help yourself?’ Fast forward to 2007, and Dr. Funke had gathered the best of the collection and compiled it in a book called ‘Good Monday Morning’. This provides a positive approach to overcoming unhelpful perceptions and is solution-focused rather than problem-focused. Start as we mean to go on, so instead of ‘Thank God It’s Friday’ we can also say ‘Thank God It’s Monday’.